vendredi 18 février 2011


Wow it's been waaaaaaaaaaay too long since the last post ! But I promise to make it up to you from now on.

First let's talk about Suomenlinna aka the Fortress of Finland!
It was not last sunday but the one before that we, the pasilians (=exchange students living in pasila), decided to try to enjoy a dreary afternoon. After a short walk around town we headed to the port, and obviously missed the boat. 50 minutes later we finally arrived to the island (yes that fortress is on an island !).

And what we discover was...NOTHING. That island was completely deserted ! Ok a house here, a chapel there, a closed museum up there... But you know how adventurous we are. So we went to the extreme part of the island to find that f*cking fortress ! WHERE IS IT ??!! We got cannons, a submarine... we just forgot that the snow could hide many things. We were actually on the fortress ! And I don't remember who got the idea to go inside the fortress but anyway THANK YOU. We thus got inside that tunnel - thinking it was taking us somewhere - for what seemed to be hours but it was sooo worth it ! You know that feeling of stress when you cannot see anything and you just follow everybody because you don't want to picture yourself dying alone ? That's it ! However we really had fun doing this. We landed up outside (in the dark again) and got attacked by finnish snowballs when a ferry passed by us. Can that be weirder ?!

Anyway we missed the boat -again- to come back so we ate bread in the only open café of the island.

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